February 01, 2013

Cerita gempak nihhhhhh! Mai sini baca! :D

Assalamualaikum and Good night.
Hai kamu-kamu dan kamu!

Eh, kenapa pulak lagi tajuk entry saya macam ni? 

Nah! jawapnya, sebab 30, 31 entry teda. 1 February baru ada. tiap 3 ari baru update. -__- . Betabiat kali nya orang tetua ( bahasa brunai). hahahhaha! Who cars cares kan? :p Kumpul cerita orang bilang! kahkahkah!

Okay! straight to the point, malam ni saya mau share 1 cer. Malas mau cer panjang-panjang since mata saya ni kira-kira bengkak macam Kungfu panda suda ( Orang selalu cakap mata macam panda laaa, burung hantu laaa kan kalau NDA CUKUP TIDUR. Betul nda? hahahha ). Mata pun kelat (Pedih mau tidur) sudah. Okay, okay! Last night! I was dream about something... Errr. Best jugak lah! Saya jadi Vampiree! Alaaa. kira-kira macam cerita Twilight gitu! hahahha!

Trip begini la saya semalam! hahahahhah! vampire cool!
I don'y know why and what makes me to have a dream such last night. hahahhaha~ anyway, dalam mimpi tu memang cool la! Boleh melekat di dinding la, can run so fast la. TAPI kan, ada spoil actually mimpi semalam. Since tiba-tiba pulak masuk kunun watak BUMBLEBEE. -____- "

tiba-tiba ada Vanhelsing ( bukan cimi-cimi aaaa~ ) minta and tanya saya supaya serahkan my Bumble bee 
-____- " . Pakej hebat betol lah mimpi nih! Then nda ingat sudah apa kejadian wakakakkaka! I dont know mana sudah ingatan before sleep. hahha!

Anyway, next! Ini ada satu cer lagi. Tadi tengahari lepas main Dota ( Sa ni gamers juga ;p ), Sa check la baa account facebook sa yang kedua lagi. You know what guys! 
SEE THAT? Ntah siapa kah gerangan yang CUBATRYTEST log in account saya. Kena-kena dari Manila! -_______-'' Pigi la ba hack account artis kaaa -_- kankan?

Owkay next next! On 31 tu, saya pigi buat photoshoot! alaa! suka-suka ! since jari ni lama suda nda 'Menembak' orang! hahahhaha~ Ni la kunun-kunun result dia! nanti baru update dekat Fan page owwteyyy! :D
Actually saya pun kepikiran juga apa yang sa buat ni. hohohoho
Tema dia ni kunun, Queen of Euphoria. Ngam ka tu?ahhahaa

Next! Cerita just now. I was going to saudara punya malam berinai~ X dopek ambil gambar since SASAK (sesak). Well! kaler baju malam berinai diorang memang agak stunning lar! RED IS BETTER! hahhahahha~ U guys still remember kan baju oengantin merah yang sa p cerita d entry sebelum ni. alaaaa yang sini tu baa.>>> Entry kedua. Hampir samaaa! memang super hot laa! *kena-kena panas bawah kem tadi sebab ramai orang. pergh! Eh, gini cerita dia ! 

Mamy sa ba *tiba-tiba* : Waahh! Ni baru baju pengantin! 

Me : Stunning ba color mam! *I was like so.. impressed

Mamy : Eya! Ini baru color. Co, Nanti kalau kau, kau mau warna apa?

Me *And I was like.. Mom, are you kidding me. Calon pun tiada. hahhahah!
 (Tapi kalau ditanya, Sa mau kaler Grey, eh eh.  Cream gitu! wahhhh! *berangan eh* Lama lagiii kalii , hahahhaa~ )

Owkay guys! thats all for tonight! Sleepy eye alredeh  already. Yawning balik-balik sudah! See you guys in the next entry yer! xoxo! Good night! and wasalam (=

P/s :Kalau sudah terlepak sini kan, cuba bah tinggalkan hati ker, eh eh tapuji ! hahahha! KIDDING okeh! Leave me your 'footprint ba, thumbprint kaa. tuuuuunah sana d Cbox sebelah kanan kamu tuh :D okeyokey! Thank you very much! :D

January 25, 2013

The Exordium Of Little Monster Blog! (:

Dimulakan dengan Bismillahirahmanirahim (:

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Hi everyone! (: Its been a long time since my last blog in HERPHILOSPOHY right. well yeah, people say life must go on. Its precious to delete the old blog, so I decide to create the new one and Wow! this is the 3rd blog that I have since the last one. :p (due to some factor I guess). Well, for the first post for this so-called monster's blog, i would like to share the purpose of this little monster blog, what is it about, why am I called it LM's Blog, and so on. :)

First! The purpose of this 'newborn' blog is because, I want to show my great sentiment on art. Its not because I'm studying the art, its just the art had become something that can make me to express and impress the people with. Well, the other reason is, I want to move on and get a new life and new environment. After having several 'dark-ages' moment years ago, I decide to create this little blog where I can share everything about my present, and my future.

Next! About the proprietor. Named Coco, 22 this year and mixed blooded of Visayas-Kadazan. I am now taking my Bachelor of Administrative Science in UiTM. I am simple but sometimes can be difficult. I can describe my self like the Mathematics subject. I am devious quite sometimes, cause I love to play life with puzzle (= , but once you know how to handle me or know inches of me, you'll be superdoopergood! Why? Because I'm like the math, as simplest as you thought but need a formula to figure it out. see. But dont worry, there's no term to be friend with me. :) I'm cool, light-heated, sociable, understanding, pampered, know what best for me, a good listener, a good adviser, talkative, but sometimes, I'm more likely sensitive with some matters :p ( can't help it! ) but no worry! Be friend with me, you'll loss nothing! (:

Next, the content in this LM blog is about art and hows my life going. ( Geez, I told you already! hahhaha) There are some tabs that you might see right under the header of my blog :) There are Photography, which a FB fanpage, where I do my photography things and activities. Yeah I know, its been a long time also I didn't updates the post and pictures there and InsyaAllah, will gonna be update soon! Just check it owkay! :). (Like and support me if you want. :) tq!) The Drawing tab, its about my artwork, handwork on things that I love to do, where I attached the drawings, sketches, and painting of mine. Then, my everyday thought! This is the cool tab! why? because, the thoughts and the quotes are specially inspired and made by me (: I love and skilled in making words to ponder and wonder. It makes you feeling good by playing words-puzzle and tons of words will comes to your mind to think eventually without knowing that those words is not what you think of. Plus, it makes your brain to workout and functioned well! :) Hepppp! Change your mind! I know when I'm describing myself as a words-puzzle-lover, It doesn't count me that I am a sweet-talker. I'm just using this skill and talent for a good things in life. :) Cause, my mama always reminds me 'What goes around, comes around' or more likely known 'Karma'. Next tab, Food! hah! this is special tab where I gives you some recipes of my favorite food ever and home-made food which has been thought by my mama and nenek.:) and maybe some tips while you're at the kitchen! :p . Next tab! Make-up! This is among things that I love to do! Make-up! Mixing the colors which can defined a face of a person especially girls :). This tab might helps some girls to learn a basic makeup and where I could show you my everyday make-up when I'm having my day out.

Next! Why this blog named Little Monster with art sentiment? well, obviously I was known and called little monster by my loveliest friends, which is start from the day I was so hungry and mean time, I ate so many types of food but still .. Little. (FYI, I'm 154cm in height, its kinda 'cute-enough' for me -_-' ) Monster stands for how do i look (maybe) while I'm having my meals. haha! Can't help it. eh! its not like real monster eat people, its just, when I'm having Rezeki Makanan from Allah swt, I will just eat and having the 'nikmat' of it, less-talk and just eat. And that is how we should behave infront of the food and be grateful for it. :)

Owkay, last but not least! Thanks for reading the 'exordium' of my little blog and I hope you guys will stay tuned owkay! XOXO! See ya for the next entry! :D Happy Blogging! eh. Don't Forget to leave comments or your link beside this entry owkay!So that it makes me easier to follow and blogwalking to your blog! (: